About the Program


To be considered for the Oliver Hill Scholars program, students must have been selected to recieve a Richmond or Presidential merit scholarship.

The Oliver Hill Scholars program offers a sense of community for students who are academically accomplished, intellectually curious, and interested in social empowerment. Named after Richmond native Oliver Hill, the program evolved from an earlier intitiatve that was designed to support the enrollment and quality of campus experiences for African-American students. Since then, the Oliver Hill Scholars program has expanded to further enhance the enrollment and experiences for all scholars of many backgrounds, races, and ethnicities who share a commitment to multiculturalism and social justice issues. If selected, students are expected to fully participate in the program for the duration of their enrollment at the University of Richmond.

Award Benefits

Oliver Hill Scholars who have also received the Presidential Scholarship will retain the Presidential Scholarship (1/3 tuition) and receive an additional award as an Oliver Hill Scholar so that these two awards, combined, are equal to one half tuition. In addition to this tuition award, Scholars receive the specific benefits of the Oliver Hill Scholars program listed below.

Oliver Hill Scholars who are also Richmond Scholars receive the following additional benefits of the Oliver Hill Scholars program as well.

Benefits of being an Oliver Hill Scholar include:

  • Enrichment programming including retreats and social activities designed to build the Scholar community
  • Bi-weekly Oliver Hill Scholar Seminars
  • Matching with a professional mentor through the Oliver Hill Scholars Mentor Network
  • Community engagement through one Oliver Hill Scholar service activity each term
  • Priority course registration within the student's class
  • Priority housing selection (for housing applications submitted by the deadline)
  • Eligibility for a one-time enrichment grant of up to $3,000

Scholarship Renewal, Responsibilities, and Terms and Conditions

The Oliver Hill Scholar award may be renewed for up to eight semesters of full-time undergraduate study during the regular academic year (fall and spring terms) at the University of Richmond. Full time undergraduate enrollment is considered to be 3.5 to 6 units per semester. The award may be used at an approved University of Richmond Study Abroad program for up to two of the eight semesters of eligibility. The scholarship cannot be used for a non-Richmond Study Abroad program.

This award will be renewed annually provided the scholar meets the criteria outlined below. The amount of the award will be adjusted annually so that it equals one half of the tuition amount each year.

Academic Requirements

Oliver Hill Scholars are expected to be academically successful and leaders in the classroom. At a minimum, they will:

  • Maintain full-time enrollment
  • Maintain a minimum 3.00 cumulative grade point average

Participation Requirements

Oliver Hill Scholars are expected to be engaged participants in the Oliver Hill Scholar community. They will:

  • Attend and participate in the Oliver Hill Scholar Seminar series, missing no more than two seminars each semester.
  • Attend the Oliver Hill Scholar annual retreat
  • Participate in one Oliver Hill Scholar community service project each semester

Community Requirements

In addition, Scholars must continue to display the traits of character, good citizenship, leadership, and scholarship which were demonstrated prior to matriculation. Scholars must comply with the Standards of Student Conduct set forth in the University of Richmond Student Handbook.

Scholars who fail to meet the academic, participation, and community requirements above may be placed on probation or removed from the program.