Undocumented & DACA Student Resources
The Student Center for Equity and Inclusion developed this page to gather known resources around the University of Richmond campus and the surrounding community, with the intent to support undocumented students at UR. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but a suitable starting point for prospective and current undocumented students.
*This page was a collaborative effort from SCEI and various campus partners to amplify the opportunities currently available for ALL students including those that identify as undocumented.
Prospective Students
The University welcomes applications from all students regardless of citizenship or residency. All applications are reviewed holistically and the unique accomplishments and attributes of each applicant are considered within the context of their educational environment.
While the University provides financial aid awards that meet every admitted student’s full demonstrated need, the Office of Admission is need-aware when reviewing applications from students who are not U.S. Citizens or U.S. Permanent Residents. If a student identifies as undocumented, Admission and Financial Aid work to provide grants and scholarships, not loans in their financial aid package.
Undocumented and DACA students with questions about the application process should feel free to contact the Office of Admission for a confidential conversation about the opportunities available to them at the University of Richmond.
Click Here to Visit the Admissions Undocumented Applicant Resource Page
Current Students
Financial Aid - Available to students who require support related to their financial aid package. Can provide supplemental emergency financial support for all students.
External Resources
- Informed Immigrant - Guide for Undocumented High School & College Students
- My Undocumented Life - Up-To-Date Information & Resources for Undocumented Students
- Know Your Rights - General and Legal Information for Immigrants
Legal Assistance
International Rescue Committee - Richmond
Address: 1301 North Hamilton Street, Suite 101, Richmond, VA 23230
Phone Number: (434) 962-9297
Email: immigration.va@rescue.orgLegal Aid Justice Center - Richmond
Address: 626 E Broad St #200, Richmond, VA 23219
Phone Number: (804) 643-1086
Undocumented Resources Page -
Undocu-Friendly Contacts
Below you will find a list of contacts in various offices around campus that provide individualized support for students that identify as undocumented or have DACA. These contacts practice the utmost discretion when working with undocumented students and only communicate with other undocu-friendly partners as needed and only disclose identity to that party if it is absolutely necessary.
Career Center - Elizabeth Soady, Assistant Director of Career Services
Richmond College - Dr. Joe Boehman, Dean of Richmond College
Student Center for Equity & Inclusion - Dani Dho-Roberts, Associate Director of Multicultural Programs
Westhampton College - Dr. Mia Reinoso Genoni, Dean of Westhampton College