Campus and Community Resources

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  • On-Campus Support
    The Affirming Spaces Training Program educates members of the University community about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) issues.

    Students looking for one-on-one support are encouraged to contact the Associate Director of LGBTQ+ Campus Life, Casey Butler (they/them), at or at 804-484-1653.

    Confidential private meetings are also available with staff from the following offices:

  • Student Organizations at UR
    LGBTQ+ Coalition, serving the University of Richmond, is committed to providing social support and advocacy for University of Richmond students, faculty, and staff. We primarily focus on advocating for members of gender and sexual minorities and their allies. LGBTQ+ Coalition will also be a safe place and support system for those struggling with and/or questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. The organization accomplishes its mission by providing meetings for open discussion of issues regarding campus life; hosting forums and events; and creating a community of acceptance, celebration, and equality.
    LGBTQ+ Affinity Groups
    Please consider joining Ace/Aro+ Space, Bi/Pan+ Social Support, Kaleidoscope (for trans/non-binary/gender non-conforming students), and Shades of Pride (for LGBTQ+ students of color).  For more info, reach out to Casey Butler at or at 804-484-1653.
    Other Student Organizations
    The University of Richmond has several student organizations that focus on the LGBTQ+ Community. These groups are easy to connect with through our online portal, Presence.
  • Local Community Organizations
    Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity, Inc.

    Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity is a non-collegiate service/social base fraternity for men of trans experience. The mission of Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity, Incorporated is to provide knowledge of existing gender issues and dispel any misconceptions of our community.  The fraternity is dedicated to providing service to the community by addressing the potential concerns that may arise.

    Brothers Obtaining & Navigating Dynamic Solidarity (BONDS)
    BONDS is an organization that equips TRANSmasculine individuals with leadership development and resources to navigate the adversities TRANSmasculine communities face. The organization cultivates TRANSformative leadership and provides sustainable tools and resources for TRANSmasculine communities.
    Equality Virginia
    Equality Virginia (EV) is a 501(c)(3) organization that understands that LGBTQ Virginians, from youth to seniors, continue to experience violence, discrimination, and disparities, particularly transgender people and people of color. A gift to EV funds programs to change the hearts and minds of everyday Virginians on LGBTQ issues. A gift to EV is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
    Gay Community Center of Richmond

    Diversity Richmond works to develop and help sustain organizations, programs and services that contribute to a vibrant Central Virginia community that shares our values of diversity, inclusion, individual dignity, equality and civic engagement.

    GayRVA is Richmond, Virginia’s go-to source for news, entertainment, and information about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered (LGBT) community.

    Health Brigade

    Health Brigade provides medical treatment, health education and outreach, support services and advocacy for those in the Richmond area with limited access to care. We place special emphasis on welcoming the least served. Fan Free Clinic specifically works with people living with HIV/AIDS and the transgender community. 

    Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)

    Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) is a national support, education and advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, their families, friends and allies. PFLAG’s mission is to support lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered individuals, along with their families and allies, by (1) providing support to those who need it, (2) educating family and communities regarding sexual orientation, gender identity and LGBT issues, and (3) advocating to end discrimination and advance equality for LGBT people. PFLAG celebrates the diversity and potential of all human beings and envisions a tolerant and peaceful society, where all are accepted for who they are.

    People of Faith for Equality in Virginia (POFEV)

    People of Faith for Equality in Virginia (POFEV) is an interfaith network of clergy and lay people who have been working together since 2006 for equality for LGBT Virginians. 

    Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders (SAGE)

    Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders (SAGE) is the oldest nonprofit organization committed to improving the lives of GLBT elders. SAGE is a program of the Gay Community Center of Richmond.

    Side by Side

    Side-by-Side (formerly ROSMY) is dedicated to creating supportive communities where Virginia’s LGBTQ+ youth can define themselves, belong, and flourish. Side by Side offers weekly youth support meetings, sensitivity training for professionals, educational resources, youth leadership initiatives, and a safe place where all youth are encouraged to value the diverse individuals who make our community a dynamic, exceptional place.


    SONG is a home for LGBTQ liberation across all lines of race, class, abilities, age, culture, gender, and sexuality in the south. We build, sustain, and connect a southern regional base of LBGTQ people in order to transform the region through strategic projects and campaigns developed in response to the current conditions in our communities. SONG builds this movement through leadership development, intersectional analysis, and organizing. SONG is a regional organization with offices throughout the south, including one here in Richmond, Va.

    Virginia Anti-Violence Project

    The Virginia Anti-Violence Project works to address and end violence, with a specific focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities across Virginia. VA-AVP also runs a warm-line for LGBTQ survivors of sexual assault and intimate partner violence. Available Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m., at (866) 356-6998.

    Virginia Coalition for Inclusive Communities (VCIC)

    Through workshops, retreats, and customized programs that raise knowledge, motivation, and skills, VCIC develops leaders who work together to achieve success throughout the Commonwealth.

    Nationz Foundation

    Nationz Foundation a 501(c)3 non-profit organization was organized to fulfill our mission to "provide education and information related to HIV prevention and overall health and wellness, while inspiring the community to take responsibility for their health while working towards a more inclusive Central Virginia for LGBTQ+ identified individuals.

  • National Resources
  • Trans-Specific Resources
    Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity, Inc.

    Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity is a non-collegiate service/social base fraternity for men of trans experience. The mission of Alpha Omega Kappa Fraternity, Incorporated is to provide knowledge of existing gender issues and dispel any misconceptions of our community.  The fraternity is dedicated to providing service to the community by addressing the potential concerns that may arise.

    Brothers Obtaining & Navigating Dynamic Solidarity (BONDS) [hyperlink:

    BONDS is an organization that equips TRANSmasculine individuals with leadership  development and resources to navigate the adversities TRANSmasculine communities face. The organization cultivates TRANSformative leadership and provide sustainable tools and resources for TRANSmasculine communities.

    Health Brigade

    Health Brigade offers basic medical care, as well as hormone replacement therapy, to all transgender people that qualify. To qualify, you must be able to meet the financial obligations and not have any medical insurance of any kind.

    Richmond Transformers

    Richmond Transformers is a free peer-facilitated social and support group in the Richmond area for anyone on the transmasculine spectrum. “We are persons born or assigned female at birth who feel that this is an inaccurate or incomplete description of who we are today, including but not limited to, those who identify as FTM, transmen, genderqueer, butch, etc.” Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at Fan Free Clinic, 7-9 p.m., with every other meeting being open to advocates, allies, family, and friends. For more information call (804) 358-6343.

    James River Transgender Society

    The James River Transgender Society is a support group based in Richmond, Va., that offers help and support for those in gender transition. Everyone is welcome to attend meetings. We encourage our members to bring family, friends, and even co-workers to the meetings.


    SIDE BY SIDE offers a youth support group for any youth age 14 to 20 who is dealing with issues surrounding gender identity and/or gender expression. This group meets each Thursday evening, 6:30-8 p.m. at 2311 Westwood Ave. in Richmond. This group is free to attend.

    He, She, Ze and We

    He, She, Ze and We is a completely confidential Virginia support group for parents of children on the gender spectrum: transgender, gender non-conforming, gender variant, gender fluid, gender independent, gender creative, and genderqueer. They provide a safe place for parents to ask questions and share their stories, a safe space for an open conversation to begin amongst caring parents. Meetings are typically once a month, with occasional family get-togethers and featured guests related to the needs and wants of our community in the future. A parent may contact for meeting times and locations.

    Virginia Transgender Referral and Resource List

    The Virginia Transgender Referral and Resource List is the result of a collaboration between the Virginia Department of Health and the Virginia Transgender Taskforce, who compile a running list of resources for the trans community, including but not limited to: therapy, counseling, support groups, alternative medicine, and clinics. The Virginia Transgender Referral and Resource List is committed to providing contacts for trans communities, transitioning individuals and various identities on the gender spectrum. Contact Ted Heck with any questions at or (804) 864-8012.