Inclusive Partner Certificate Program

The Inclusive Partner Certificate Program is a collaborative intiative based out of the Student Center for Equity & Inclusion (SCEI). Through a series of workshops, the SCEI invites University of Richmond students, staff, and faculty to build and maintain a toolkit of inclusive practices, ideas, and values to support our vibrant and diverse campus community. This program allows participants to complete it at their own pace.
Program Requirements
Every participant is required to attend an introductory workshop before progressing onto community specific workshops. After completing the intro workshop, program participants are required to attend at least three (3) additional community specific workshops. Once participants have completed all program requirements, they will receive a Certificate of Inclusive Partnership that recognizes their completion of the program and their status as an inclusive partner of the SCEI at UR.
Recertification Requirements
Every inclusive partner is required to recertify by either attending a workshop that they haven't participated in before or attend one (1) IPC roundtable discussion every year to maintain their inclusive partner status. These roundtable discussions allow our partners to learn of any changes or developments in the realm of diversity, equity, and inclusion and provides them the opportunity to discuss how they've incorporated inclusive practices into their personal and professional habits.
Should an inclusive partner neglect to recertify within a year after their initial completion of the program or their last recertification, their inclusive partner status will change to "inactive" and their name will be removed from our public database until they complete the recertification requirement.
Introductory Workshop
Building an Inclusive Toolkit
**All prospective Inclusive Partners must complete this workshop before progressing further in the program.
The introductory program is designed to give participants a theoretical framework of belonging and build a toolkit of inclusive practices that they can start incorporating into their daily lives. The purpose of this session is to provide a foundational understanding of inclusion and establish a baseline for all participants who plan to continue in the program. This session will lightly touch on a variety of identities, but will primarily cover general inclusive practices.
First-Generation & Limited-Income
Supporting First-Generation & Limited-Income Students
These two distinct yet overlapping student groups represent at least 15% of undergraduates but their identities are often hard to see. Learn about these two populations of students and how you can inclusively support their specific needs on campus. Leave with knowledge about the resources that exist for them already, and specific things you can do to minimize the ways they might feel marginalized on campus.
International & Undocumented
From Diversity to Inclusion
**Coming Spring 2024
This session will educate participants on some of the everyday challenges that people from other countries and undocumented people experience. After this session, participants will understand how to make the environment around them not just more diverse, but more welcoming and friendly for people from other countries and undocumented people.
Affirming Space Training
The "Affirming Space" Training Program (formerly known as "Safe Zone") is a two-part series designed for faculty, staff, and students who want to strengthen their cultural competency as it relates to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community.
Using an intersectional framework, participants will learn more about the histories, identities, experiences, and relationships of LGBTQ+ people. They will also learn how to foster inclusive environments for LGBTQ+ people, including communication tips, names and pronouns, inclusive language, and best practices.
**Participants who have completed Affirming Space Training prior to taking the introductory workshop can still receive credit toward their Inclusive Partner Certificate. However, credit will only be given once participants have completed the post-workshop reflection survey.
"Understanding Race: Bridging Gaps and Building Empathy"
Historically, racial minorities have experienced widespread forms of exclusion and discrimination, and many still do today. This session will highlight some historic moments of racial inequity in the US and how they continue to impact and influence communities of color today. Participants will leave with stories and testimonials provided by people of color and various practices they can incorporate into their lives to recognize, acknowledge, and address various forms of racial bias.
Religion & Spirituality
Supporting Religious and Spiritual Communities
This session will highlight some of the major ways religion affects our society, explore how matters of religious and spiritual diversity play out on campus, and provide participants with a set of best practices and campus resources for how to navigate and address issues of religion and spirituality in their lives
**In partnership with the Office of the Chaplaincy
Trauma Informed Campus
Building a Trauma Informed Campus
In this workshop participants will understand prevalence of sexual violence on campuses and beyond. Participants will also Identify 4 neurobiological responses to trauma, as well as behavioral, cognitive, and emotional responses to trauma, define trauma-informed practice, and identify at least one trauma-informed practice to implement in their work.
**In partnership with the Center for Awareness, Response, & Education (C.A.R.E.)