According to Beth Marshak ’72, “The anti-war movement was the most activist thing on campus.” It also served as a way to “meet closeted lesbians.” The Collegian at the time reveals several campus forums on the Vietnam War and passionate debates and op-eds from both sides, particularly surrounding the 1972 presidential election.
The greatest upsurge of campus activism came in April 1974, sparked by a confrontation over visitation rights. In Mar. 1974, a subcommittee of the Board of Trustees rejected a proposal to allow students to decide their own visitation policies in conjunction with a faculty committee and the respective dorm’s dean. In response, in the last few weeks of Mar. 1974, students began meeting and discussing visitation policies, ultimately drawing up their own individual policies. The students overwhelmingly voted to put in place the new policies, with over 90 percent of Richmond College students and 84 percent of Westhampton College students voting in favor.
Visitation policy was framed as an issue of students’ rights and became emblematic of the often paternalistic relationship between students and the administration. According to The Collegian’s editorial statement at the time, “Students at the University of Richmond are asking for one thing-the right to determine their own social regulations concerning dormitory life subject to the laws of the State of Virginia. Most people would agree that this is a right inherent in a free society. The justification that an institution of higher learning has for being could only be weakened if such a basic right should be withheld from one group of its community, namely dormitory students.” Further, The Collegian issued a statement concerning its position on the matter: “The Collegian backs the students of the University of Richmond in their efforts to determine their own social regulations. We feel the steps taken in setting up their own dormitory regulations were necessary in order to impress upon the Board of Trustees the full meaning of the rights for which they are fighting.”
In order to highlight the importance of the new visitation rights, student leaders organized a rally on the night of Apr. 4, deliberately breaking the old visitation policy by visiting men’s and women’s dorms. According to an op-ed by Jay Lassiter, editor of The Collegian, the night was “charged with expectation” as “…it was something really different for this campus.” George Kendall, the 1973-74 Richmond College Student Government president took to the microphone at the rally to proclaim, “From this moment on we are now living under our own dormitory policies.”
Over 300 people participated in the rally; in the words of Lassiter, “It was an eerie feeling to experience, to see students united and actually caring about a common goal. You could only wonder about the amount of effort that would be necessary to enforce the old regulations when the constituency involved obviously had no desire to live under them.” Students were radically defying the administration and the Board of Trustees, taking the rules of the college in their hand.
However, it appeared the administration often did not understand the radical nature of what the students were proposing. Kendall summed up the issue in The Collegian: “This is a problem of student rights. I wouldn’t have spent all this time if it was just hours that we wanted. Leftwich wants to do something for the students—he’s missed the whole point.” The students did not just want new visitation hours; they wanted autonomy.
This radical defiance was made even the more remarkable due to the volatile and angry mood on campus. As reported by The Collegian, on the night of Apr. 3, the night before the visitation rally, two Richmond College students were arrested. Around 40 streakers were racing nude through the quadrangles in front of North and South Court, as a “rowdy mob” of 400 onlookers surrounded them. The streaking itself was an exceptional event. Just a few months previously, in Feb., a Collegian op-ed had discussed streaking and joked that “Cannon Chapel would probably sink into the ground if anything like that happened around here.”
One of the streakers was arrested in a violent manner, according to The Collegian: “The officer plunged into a crowd of streakers, tackled the student to the ground, and handcuffed him behind the back.” When the arrested student was placed in a police car, the car was “quickly surrounded by a group of onlookers who let the air out of the tires, threw rocks at the windows, and rocked the car.” Sensing the volatile mood of the crowd, campus police called for assistance from Richmond city police, who appeared on campus in riot gear. This angered the students who “tried to block the roads, began throwing bricks, and vandalizing automobiles.” A second student was arrested during this time for tampering with a car.
William Leftwich, Vice President of student affairs, then appeared before the crowd asking them to disperse and promising to care for the arrested students. As he came, his car was “rocked, spat upon, and pelted with rocks,” and his warnings to disperse only urged the crowd on, as they in turn “swarmed across the lake and surrounded the police station hurling curses and occasional rocks at the building.” The arrested students were then transferred to the city lock-up.
Richard Mateer, men’s dean of students, later expressed concern over the campus atmosphere: “The students are indicating the University no longer has control over the campus. I can see anarchy further down the road.”
Retroactively, seven more students were arrested on Thu., Apr. 11 due to their actions at the streaking incident, on charges of indecent exposure, tampering with a police vehicle, and cursing and abusing, as reported in The Collegian. The arrest of these students, after multiple meetings with student leaders concerning arrest and procedure, violated many students’ trust in the administration and angered the campus body. Several op-eds in The Collegian stated that the administration seemed out of touch with student affairs and appeared to be acting less out of concern for student interests than for the University’s image and fundraising campaign.
In the words of The Collegian, “the lack of communication with student leaders concerning the time of the arrests in the midst of a highly volatile atmosphere on campus raises serious questions concerning the ability of University student affairs administrators to perceive and evaluate the mood of the student body and act in the best interests of all concerned.” The Collegian further resolved, in a special edition of the paper, “The campus situation being what it is, communication is of the utmost importance. In this category the administration has failed miserably, allowing an eight-day investigation resulting in arrests to occur without providing means of alerting student leaders or even keeping in close contact with the issue themselves.” The Collegian also criticized the unclear process discerning which cases go to downtown police and which disciplinary actions go through established campus proceedings. The arrests, miscommunication with the administration, unchanged visitation policy, and suggestion that the administration was making decisions in light of a current fundraising campaign and not student’s interest created a tense and angry atmosphere. According to The Collegian staff editorial, “The present explosive nature of the campus cannot be overstressed and probably cannot be comprehended by anyone not living on campus.”
In response to the arrests, The Collegian reported that students organized sit-ins and workshops on Boatwright lawn, outside the offices of the president and administration. On Mon., Apr. 15, a campus-wide forum was held in the Robins Center to vote on an appropriate form of action. Three hundred students voted to design sit-in workshops, “to air student grievances concerning the campus security force and the administration.”
The workshops helped lead to a Richmond College Student Government Association resolution concerning administrative actions. It stated:
“Be it resolved, that:
1. Dr. Leftwich, Dean Mateer, and Chief Dillard be officially censured for their detrimental actions and statements concerning the arrests.
2. President Heilman take a more active role in student affairs, instead of delegating to others virtually all of his responsibility for handling such incidents. And
3. A student-faculty-administration-staff committee be appointed to study and make recommendations concerning the alternatives to armed campus police.”
No administrator made an appearance at the sit-in; however a subcommittee was formed to report student complaints to the Board, primarily concerning visitation, and create a recommendation for an appropriate path of action. However, the relationship between the students and the administration remained tenuous, as students complained in The Collegian that “the administration feels that students are children and treats them as such.” In Nov. 1974, the Board of Trustees rejected a proposal that would allow dorm residents to vote on their own visitation policy. Instead, it passed a motion that students would be able to choose between a dorm with no visitation and dorms with expanded visitation hours, allowing visitation to two AM on weekends, an hour later than previously. No visitation would be allowed Mon. through Thu.
Although the turmoil of the previous Apr. did not directly result in tangible explicit policy changes, it did fundamentally challenge the relationship between the students and the administration. The old structure of a college administration serving in place of parents and regulating student behavior was altered as students asserted their rights and challenged the restrictions imposed on them.