
LGBTQ life at the University of Richmond remained behind closed doors during the ’80s. However, the AIDS crisis had a strong impact and brought greater discussion of gay life and issues to campus, emerging as a much talked about topic on campus by the late ’80s. Additionally, the coordinate college system continued to merge; the opening of the dining hall in 1982 marked the first time men and women ate all of their meals together, and began to break down the physical separation and strict regulations that had long structured men and women’s interactions on campus. After much debate, sororities came to campus in 1986.

It wasn’t until the fall 1988 that a lesbian and gay support group was founded. It was run through Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), and was advertised in The Collegian as confidential. After much debate, the University also began allowing condoms to be available at the health center in 1988.

By the end of the decade, there was greater flexibility about sexuality and sexual health, even as the University had no LGBTQ advocacy organization or any form of organized activism. Out students, faculty members, or staff continued to be very rare or not well known. A late 1989 Collegian op-ed criticized the gay rights movement and claimed that, “although I find the act of homosexuality repulsive, I do not find homosexuals repulsive.” It did not receive any response in The Collegian, suggesting how hostile the campus atmosphere could be. Gay rights issues did receive some coverage in The Collegian, but only in the syndicated “National News” section and rarely in content by and about students.

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