
The 1990s were a period of great progress on campus for LGBTQ individuals and included several important firsts in LGBTQ life. As reported in The Collegian, the Lambda Coalition disaffiliated with CAPS in 1991 and became the University’s first recognized LGB student advocacy group. The Coalition did things such as bring the AIDS Quilt to campus, host movies with LGBTQ themes, and sponsor lectures. However, the group remained small and had to meet in secret locations in fear of violence or harassment.

In 1993, a Virginia Association of Colleges and University Housing Officers study of Virginia’s college campuses named UR the most homophobic school in Virginia. Also in 1993, a University Diversity Commission report on the state of diversity at the University recognized sexual orientation as an aspect of diversity needing greater attention and study and revealed a deep hostility toward LGBTQ individuals by wide swaths of the University community.

Safe Zone began as an idea during the winter and spring of 1996; it was established in the fall of ’96 by several faculty and staff members and offered trainings on sexual diversity. Once trained, individuals could place ‘Safe Zone’ stickers on their office door, publicly announcing to students and other community members that this would be a safe space to discuss LGBTQ issues. By the end of its first year, Safe Zone had more than 80 members, reflecting the dire need for such a program and the enthusiasm its creation brought.

Despite the increase in LGBTQ activism during the ’90s, there were several setbacks. In spring 1997, The Collegian reported that a law student’s personal items were vandalized and a threatening note was placed on her desk, accusing her of being a lesbian. She ultimately needed a police escort to ensure her safety. Additionally, repeated efforts to include sexual orientation in the non-discrimination policy were stymied by the business school, and debates occurred around discrimination in the ROTC program and the implications of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

In spring 1997 the Board of Trustees, acting on a University committee’s suggestion, opted to remove all protected categories from the non-discrimination policy in order to delay debate of the inclusion of sexual orientation. Two years later, in Mar. 1999, the Board of Trustees voted to include sexual orientation in the non-discrimination policy that went into effect in the 1999-00 school year. According to a series of articles published in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, this decision was the catalyst for the Baptist General Association of Virginia’s disaffiliation with the University.

Due to small numbers and a lack of student leaders in the late ’90s, the Lambda Coalition was disappearing by 1996-97 and fully defunct by 1999. After a speaker from the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force came to campus, it was revitalized in fall 1999 and fully in place in spring 2000, renamed New Directions.

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