Michael Coe, ’98, reflects: “The school I attended first year before transferring to Richmond had co-ed floors, so coming to Richmond was a complete 180 with the lake dividing the genders. However, what inhibited me from making friendships was not the housing or the divisive lake, but being gay; it was the stigma around my homosexuality and personal apprehensiveness which made me reticent to reach out to other students, especially guys.”
He continued: “There was a certain politeness, one might even say southern genteelness, at Richmond. Any backlash to LGBTQ visibility, if at all, was perhaps the lack of acknowledgement of our very existence; people were never in your face or homophobic or heterosexist. The topic was never around, never there, never present, never talked about. It wasn’t out of disapproval or discomfort, surely that is why it wasn’t discussed in the first place, but if something doesn’t exist, there is no need to address it.
“I spent my first year at what was, by all accounts, an extremely liberal school before transferring to Richmond. While I was there, even though I wasn’t out, I was harassed by fellow students on more than one occasion, but at Richmond not one negative word was ever said to me nor did anyone actively make me feel that I didn’t belong. I find it very interesting that in a much more liberal environment that type of behavior occurred, but not at the University of Richmond. I probably wouldn’t have transferred to Richmond if I knew more about the school prior to, but the experience turned out better than I ever thought it would be.”
School psychologist Elizabeth Stott agrees, describing the culture of the University as “genteel” and as having an atmosphere of “not talking about those things.” She reflects that the “vast majority of gay and lesbian students were in the closet, often coming out right after graduation.” She also remembered an experience with a student in the ’90s who was “very flamboyant and crazy out” who told her that “he felt safer at Richmond than VCU because at least people at the University were polite and wouldn’t harass him walking around.”
Jane Geaney, associate professor of religious studies since 1997, also described a “culture of politeness among faculty and staff.” Geaney notes that she has not seen much blatant homophobia in the classroom, but she doubts that the classroom is an accurate reflection of how students behave outside of class. She says, “in the classroom environment, even dreadfully homophobic students might behave differently and be more accepting.” However, she states that “University of Richmond would be a hard place to come out, it’s such a heteronormative place—one would have to have a high amount of self-confidence to be out here.”
Heteronormativity often pervaded the academic sphere. Geaney reflects, "I’m not proud of this, but before I had tenure, I taught a class about sex, ’Body/Sex in World Religious Literature’, with a focus on heterosexuality because students were not out at that point. I presumed their sexuality—because they were not out, I treated them as straight. I started teaching ’Queers in Religion’ after I got tenure in 2005. In the early years of teaching that class, ’I’m not gay, but…’ was something I heard a lot from students."
In a Mar., 1996 Collegian article, responding to resistance the Lambda Coalition faced, student Erin Kenny, ’96, described the atmosphere as “an out-of-sight, out-of-mind campus.” Jennifer Slemmer, ’97, stated that “the extreme homophobia on this campus stifles reality and people coming out of the closet…It’s ridiculous. I’m sure there are homosexuals on this campus, but I would be afraid to come out here.”
Two staff and faculty members were profiled extensively in The Collegian for being out, suggesting the rarity of out LGBTQ community members that it was considered a newsworthy event.
John DaRos, Richmond College area coordinator, came out in 1993 after two years at Richmond. He revealed in The Collegian, “It’s great to stop acting. People aren’t asking me what woman I’m with this week because they know I’m not.” He further revealed that, “he was nervous about coming out at the University of Richmond because he didn’t know what kind of reaction to expect. So far, he has been pleasantly surprised.” However, he was frustrated by misconceptions that surrounded gay people at the time. “People have said, ‘John it’s nothing against you, I just didn’t know you did that.’ All people can think of is the act of having sex with men. When people find out that I’m gay, they seem to forget everything else about me.”
Working closely with RAs as an out gay man did pose some challenges. One RA, quoted in The Collegian, stated in response, “I’m pretty homophobic. I’m not afraid to admit it—I’m scared of these people [gays].” According to another RA, “The room got really stuffy [when DaRos came out]. People started to make jokes to try and change the subject. A couple people couldn’t wait to get out of their seats. The guy next to me said ‘Oh my God.’” However, an op-ed in The Collegian wrote in suggesting that RAs intolerable of gay people should not be allowed to be RAs. The student wrote “How can we create an environment in which students feel comfortable with themselves if their RA is admittedly homophobic? … We as a university must re-evaluate the RA selection process so that the racist, sexist, and heterosexist elements of our society are quickly and forcefully weeded out.” The strong reaction suggests both increased vocal support of lesbian and gay individuals and increased understanding of how those who are in positions of power and express heterosexist sentiments should and can be censured.
The Sharon Bottoms court case, in which a lesbian was denied custody of her child for being lesbian, had a profound impact and provoked much debate. It galvanized Melissa Capers, an adjunct English instructor, to come out in The Collegian despite concerns over her job security. She stated, “I’m coming out to you because the truth is neither a year’s contract nor a full-time position nor even tenure is much security when our children can be taken away from us….Gays and lesbians are not just strangers on the news. We are people in your classrooms, on your campus. We are people you know. So if you believe we are immoral, believe, believe that to our faces…And if you support the right of gays and lesbians, that support is sure needed now.” In a later feature on her in The Collegian, she revealed that the reaction had been mostly positive and supportive, however people have dropped her classes since coming out and she doesn’t necessarily know why.
Despite some increased visibility, campus continued to be an unsafe space for many. In an Apr. 1998 issue of The Collegian, Irby Brown—an English professor and Richmond alum who helped found Safe Zone—characterized the climate on campus as ranging from “homophobia to an intellectualized aversion to gay and lesbian lifestyles on ‘so-called’ religious or moral ground.” In an article concerning a Safe Zone event in Nov. 1999, Stott further described Richmond as an unsafe campus. “It’s extremely rare for people to come out while they’re here. If you are out when you come in, you might make it, but at the same time, if a student is already out and looking for a school to come to, why would they come here? When [an LGB student comes to Richmond] they are either completely in the closet or their social life is totally off campus, even going out of the campus.” She challenged the audience to think of two faculty or staff members on campus who were openly homosexual or bisexual. “What does this say? The climate on our campus is pretty terrible.”
Misconceptions concerning LGBTQ individuals continued to flourish, and they were often used as easy punch lines in humor articles. In an Apr. 1998 humor column in The Collegian, a columnist described the ‘non-fashionable’ part of the student body as “closet cross-dressers buying cheaper clothing to compensate for the cost of having two wardrobes.” Another 1995 Collegian article joked about the need to “cut class and see Ricki Lake interview transsexual lumberjack gamblers and the women who love them.”
Another op-ed on Apr. 3, 1997 revealed some of the stereotypes of LGB that existed at the time. “When asked to describe someone who is a lesbian, immediately people use terms such as radical, tattooed, body-piercing, hair-dying, man-haters. Likewise, gays are described as limp-wristed, lisping, effeminate, weak, blow-dried blonds. Bisexuals just want to sleep with everybody they meet.” The op-ed also suggested that some on campus vocally expressed support but would often not follow up on that support. “The most ridiculous and most common double standard I’ve heard on this campus is the ‘homosexuals are fine, as long as they don’t come near me’ syndrome. For some reason, it is very trendy to claim to be liberal and accepting of all people, but to privately be disgusted by them.”
Peter Goldin,’98, reflected, “one of the things that made it easier with coming out for me was that it wasn’t like I was tattooed or had dyed hair; I was just another guy in khakis and a sport coat and being gay just happened to be the only thing that was different about me. I was the member of a fraternity, and when I finally came out it was to my best friends in my fraternity. I told them and they were kind of like “oh we know”, so it wasn’t a big secret that hurt me socially or affected anything with fraternity life.
“I think back then it just wasn’t as open or as accepting and talked about as it is now. I don’t think a lot of people coming from their high school experiences knew a lot of gay people. Being gay at Richmond back then was a bit of a novelty; it was strange in that aspect but by the time I came out halfway through my junior year and realized everyone kind of knew anyways so it wasn’t as big of a deal as I thought it would be.”
The Diversity Commission Report, published in Aug. 1993 revealed considerable ambivalence to LGBTQ individuals. Based on surveying the campus, the report stated that only 40 percent of students believe it is very important that gays and lesbian feel included and accepted and only 40 percent of students supported a lesbian and gay organization. Thirty-nine percent of students would oppose such an organization and only forty-eight percent of students would be comfortable working alongside someone openly gay or lesbian. Sixty-nine percent of students indicated that they would be uncomfortable sharing a space with someone who is gay or lesbian. Shockingly, in a survey of the incoming class of 1991, 36 percent of male students believed that homosexual relations should be prohibited.
The report also shared a story from a student: “Walking through the Commons yesterday I overheard quite a fascinating conversation. So fascinating, in fact, that I had to stop and pretend to be reading an announcement. There were two students in fraternities discussing plans to haze their pledge-class. Of course, hazing is completely illegal and doesn’t happen at Richmond, but that is another story altogether. Their latest stunt, it seemed, was to take certain pledge class members to Biff’s bookstore in Carrytown—a bookstore like any other, but it has a large collection of lesbian, bisexual, and gay fiction, non-fiction essays, news magazines, etc.—and force them to browse through the section of gay-related literature. I can’t really figure out what the purpose of this was supposed to be, but they seemed to think it would be really funny to try and humiliate the pledges by having others to think that because they were looking at gay-related literature they must, themselves, be ‘faggots.’ They also thought it would be really funny to watch the proprietors of the store make advances at their fellow students.”